
Attendance and Progress of Work

Great emphasis is laid on regular attendance and progress by the students during Semester. Regularity and punctuality in attendance and performance at lectures, tutorials, practical work, laboratories, oral and written test constitute the day to day assessment of progress. A certain portion of the marks is reserved for class work and progress of students during the year as a student is expected to work regularly throughout the year. A student whose attendance is unsatisfactory is liable to be detained from appearing the University Examination under the ASET and Alagappa University rules.


The Practical Sessions are idea testing grounds to apply, test and confirm the curricular that is delivered in the classroom well equipped laboratories ensure that students receive work class learning through while on them doing demonstrate and operate with the PPE equipment. In applying this guidance, it should be recognised that there is no easy single definition of what constitutes a some practical activity. In the ASET view, what matters is the nature of the activity and the circumstances in which it is being undertaken students under the experniced factutly guidelines.Although some activities are inherently more hazardous/dangerous than others, all has been handled by our students It will helpful on future organization to demonstrate in their labour and employee.

Our practical subjects such as design with modern technology by the university,subjects regularly involving practical activities include conducting fire drill ERP,Emerncency resque. First aid ,live fire put off demonstration, work at height, practical activities where safety considerations are as important as in those other subjects.

Practical activities also occur, however, throughout the curriculum involving a wide range of equipment with teachers who are subject specialists.

Centre for Excellence

The Centre for Excellence at ASET aims at preparing students to enhance well-rounded awareness & knowledge about relevant safety skills such as personal development business etiquette, grooming, presentation skills, and workplace, conduct and public awareness.

Case Study

Case Studies are designed & delivered in the classroom, which provide students with a frame work to understand & analyze real world challenges in a stimulated setting.

Case studies are stories that are used as a teaching tool to show the application of a theory or concept to real situations in safety sectors regards in our campus. Cause study having main role in safety studies, it has been given dependent on the goal students are meant to fulfill, cases can be fact-driven and deductive where there is a correct answer, or they can be context driven where multiple solutions are possible. Our faculties guide the students through this kind of activities. It will helpful for the students to understands real fact /false of accident and incident nature of hazard.